
Welcome to the 2023 - 24 school year at Qugcuun Memorial School! We are located just down-river from Bethel in a small community of approximately 60. Our staff consists of a principal-teacher, elementary teacher, and support staff. We focus on Yupik language and culture and have a strong dance and N.Y.O. program. Our goal is to provide a culturally appropriate and effective education to students so they may become responsible, productive citizens. For enrollment information, please see the front office.  


Oscarville, alaska
Click image for closer view in Google Maps.

Our Mission Statement

Qugcuun Memorial School, its staff, students, parents, ASB and the community will share in educating the children of Oscarville to the highest degree academically, culturally, and socially to ensure each child has an equal chance to be successful.

Umyuaqluku Qugcuun elitnaurviim, calilriani, elitnaurat, elitnaurat-llu angayuqait, ASB-iriit, cali-llu nunacuaraam yuini, ikayuqluteng elitnauriciqut mikelngurnek maani Kuiggayagarmi. Piyunarquciq aturluku cayaraitnek-llu, elicungcaumaarkaugut yuungnaqsaraq tekilluku.


Thaddeus Ochs

Thaddeus Ochs, Site Administrator
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