
Kuiggayagaq nunacuaruuq uitaluni uatini Mamterrillerem. Kuiggayaraq ayagnillruuq neqliviluni tua-i-llu Oscar Samuelson-aaq nauciluni kipusvigmek. Tuaken ayagnirluni nunacuarurtellruuq, atengluni-llu kass'atun Oscarville-amek umyuaqluku Oscar Samuelson-aaq. Kuiggayagaq mikenqurauguq nunani allani, cali-llu misvigtaunani, ayagallerkaq capernaqluni cikuqeraarqan uksumi wall' up'nerkami kuik cup'aqan. Yungqertuq yuinaak malruk akimiaq malrugnek cipluku. Allat nunacetun yuut tamaklarmeng pissurnariaqan pissutuut, neqsurluteng, cali-llu quyurciluteng neqkameggnek uksumi. Caliarkat ukuugut: Tribal Office-ami Administrator, Secretary, Bookkeeper, cali-llu ICWA Coordinator-aaq. Elitnaurvigmi caliarkat ukuugut-Angayuqaq, elitnaurista, carirista, kenirta, massiniurta, igarta-llu, cali-llu ASB-irtarluni. CVRF-ami kiingan ataucimek ciuliqagtengqertut. Kuiggayagaq nunakegtaaruuq.

Oscarville is a one of the smallest communities in Kuskokwim River area with a current popuation of 57. The community began as a seasonal fish camp until Oscar Samuelson built a trading post, making it a permanent establishment. The village took the name Oscarville because of this man; however, the traditional name, Kuiggayagaq is literally translated as a small slough. Our community is predominantly a subsistence community. Our main source of transportation is by way of the river with outboard motors when the river flows and by snowmobile or vehicle when the river is frozen enough to be an ice highway. Our village doesn't have a runway for small planes to land because of its close proximity to the Bethel Airport, our regional hub. For this reason, we are isolated during freeze up around October and November and break up around April and May. There are no grocery stores, and people usually do their shopping in Bethel which is about a ten minute drive away. People also check their mail across the Kuskokwim River in Napaskiak. There are a small handful of local jobs.

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